The New Year is here, and millions of individuals around the world will be taking the opportunity to create “Resolutions” for themselves – identifying specific items they would like to change in 2014. I’d like to suggest a resolution to consider… resolve to get organized! I can tell you from first-hand experience that well organized businesses tend to be far more successful than their disorganized counterparts – not to mention far LESS stressful.

Here are four areas to consider:

1) Organize your books. Are your finances properly organized and documented? If not, you’re exposing yourself to all sorts of potential trouble, from taxes to employee fraud to unnecessary waste. If you’d like help getting your books organized, give me a call and I will get you started in the right direction!

2) Organize your production and shipping operations. How organized and efficient are your operations? Is disorganization causing you to waste time, energy, or money along the way? In order to maximize your profitability, it is critical that your operations run smoothly – and that means you need to be well organized. How can you improve your operations in 2014?

3) Organize your methods of communication. For many small businesses, communication is a nightmare. How effective is the process in your business? Do your employees clearly understand their responsibilities and their chain of command? Are you able to communicate effectively with vendors and partners? Or do you find that miscommunications and misunderstandings make your life more difficult? Make it a point to communicate more clearly and more effectively than ever in 2014.

4) Organize your desk. Organizing your desk may sound insignificant compared to the other items on your list – but it may actually be the most important. Countless studies have shown that a clean and organized workspace translates into higher productivity. So look around your workspace right now – is it cluttered? Can you find files and information quickly? Do you have an effective “to-do” list? If not, start here. Organize your desk and your office before turning your attention to “bigger” issues. I think you’ll be surprised at how helpful this process can be!

Questions or comments? Would you like some help getting better organized in 2014? Give me a call today to learn more!

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