As a business owner, time is among your most precious resources. There is never enough time in the day to get everything done that you’d like to get done.

For that reason, it’s important that business owners use their time as productively as possible. Below are three tips which will help you do exactly that.

1) Delegate and empower your team. Many business owners have adopted the mindset that “it is quicker and easier to just do everything myself” rather than training employees, team members, or contractors. This is a huge mistake! Even though it may take time at the beginning to train your team member, the amount of time you save by delegating can be staggering. Delegate to your team members, and empower them to get the job done!

2) Stick to your strengths. All of us have different strengths. And few business owners that I know are equally good at every aspect of running their business. In order to make the best use of your time, focus on what you are good at, and delegate the rest. If you’re great with numbers, by all means keep your own books, and delegate other tasks to team members. If you’re a great marketer but hate accounting, on the other hand, why waste time and energy trying to keep the books? Hire a bookkeeper and spend your time doing what you like, and what you’re good at!

3) “Just say no” to distractions. Finally, learn to say “no” when necessary. This sounds easy, but it’s a major issue for many people. When friends, families, employees, and others ask for a favor or for help with something, we naturally want to say “yes”! But when you’re already overwhelmed, you can’t afford to take on more work. So learn to say no graciously. This ensures that you are able to spend your time focused on your priorities, rather than the priorities of others.

Questions or comments? Would you like to learn more about effective time management? Give me a call today!

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