Time is money. This may be a cliché, but every business owner can vouch firsthand for its accuracy! Today, I’d like to share with you four simple tips that will help you accomplish more, in less time.

1) Conquer the toughest tasks first. We all have a tendency to put off the hardest, most intimidating work that must get done. But the problem with that approach is that the dreaded task is constantly hanging over our head and discouraging us from even coming close to actually addressing it! Instead, make it a habit to conquer your toughest tasks first – so that it will be smooth sailing the rest of the day!

2) Take breaks! Working yourself into the ground is not a good long-term strategy. Your body and your mind need to be refreshed in order to stay in top form. So make it a point to take regular breaks – even if it’s just five minutes to walk through the office and stretch your legs.

3) Say “no” to multi-tasking. Our culture loves to multi-task – but this habit can harm your productivity. When you’re working, focus on one task at a time. Close out distractions like email, social media, and even phone calls as much as you can. If you try this approach for a week, I guarantee that you’ll be surprised how much more productive you have become!

4) Set deadlines. Sometimes we all need an extra sense of motivation. One strategy that some of my clients have found successful is to set deadlines for themselves. This forces them to work productively in order to beat the self-imposed deadline. For instance, say you have a stack of reports that must be completed. Set a deadline of 11 AM for yourself and get busy trying to beat it!

Time is among your most valuable resources. As a business owner, how effectively you use your time goes a long way towards determining your overall success. If you’d like to learn more about this subject, please get in touch with me today!

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