There is one thing that each and every one of us have in common—from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett to the President—and that is time. Each of us has 24 hours in the day. And yet, some people are able to accomplish so much more than the rest. Of course, there are a variety of factors that go into determining productivity… but the ability to manage time effectively is critical. Even if your goal isn’t to be the next Steve Jobs or Donald Trump, developing the ability to manage your time efficiently is crucial for success.

So without any further ado, below are 4 time management tips that you can apply immediately:

1) Put first things first. It sounds basic, but effective prioritization is a game-changer. Many business owners spend the vast majority of their time each day working on tasks that frankly aren’t that important… meanwhile, crucial projects are ignored. I recommend setting priorities on a yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily basis. This ensures that you’re focused on what really matters.

2) Eliminate distractions. Distractions, such as email, phone calls, and other interruptions enormously detract from productivity. Now, they can’t all be avoided. But designate time each day as “distraction free”- close your email program, and instruct your staff that you are only to be interrupted for urgent matters.

3) Schedule time to relax and recharge. It’s important to be realistic. Very few of us can keep up a hectic schedule day after day, week after week and not show ill effects. Schedule time to relax and recharge your batteries—so that when you are working, you’re more effective.

4) Delegate, delegate, delegate. Finally, start delegating! Many business owners don’t because they find that “it’s easier to do it myself than to teach someone else.” This may be true in the short term, but investing time to train and delegate now will free up significant time in the future.

Questions or comments? Would you like to learn more about effective time management? Get in touch with me today!


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