There are two basic approaches to managing your time as a business owner. The first is to set the agenda for your day and stick to it. The second option is to let the circumstances that arise each day dictate how you spend your time.

Obviously the first option is preferable. It allows you to achieve your priorities and accomplish what must be done. But after working closely with business owners over many years, I can tell you that most business owners fall into the second category of time management. Rather than set the agenda, they react to circumstances that arise. As a result, they’re not focusing on the activities that are most profitable for themselves and for their business. How can you avoid this common trap? Below are three key principles:

1) Stick to your priorities. Start each day by determining your priorities. What tasks must be accomplished, and how can you spend your time most effectively? Once you’ve created these priorities, don’t abandon them easily. Sure, sometimes there will be a true emergency that demands a change to your plan. But many of the day-to-day distractions that arise can be avoided if you make a conscious decision to stay on task.

2) Focus and eliminate distractions. Distractions are fatal to your productivity – so keep them to a minimum. Email is often the greatest threat to a business owner, because if you’re constantly checking your inbox you are likely to come across several distractions every hour. Designate specific time each day to check and respond to your email, and don’t be distracted by it in the meantime!

3) Delegate as much as possible. Plenty of unforeseen circumstances arise each day, and they can’t just be ignored. But rather than dealing with them yourself, make it a habit to delegate to your team whenever possible. That’s why you’re paying them, after all – so that they can handle the details while you lead your business.

Starting right now, make it a point to take control of your day. Become proactive, not reactive. Get in touch with me today if you’d like to learn more!

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