Sometimes, running a business feels like sitting in the middle of a room and watching details circle around you so fast that you can barely even see them. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to lose control… and then you’ve got a real problem on your hands!

Today, we’re going to highlight several key habits to develop which will help you stay sane despite the fast pace of running your business:

1) Centralize your task list. I’ve worked with plenty of business owners who can’t even keep their to-do list straight. And THAT is a recipe for disaster! Whether it’s a physical piece of paper, an app on your phone, a computer program, or whatever… centralize your to-do list!

2) Prioritize. You’re rarely going to get everything done that you’d like to in a given day. So prioritize—get the important matters done first and spend your remaining time on the less urgent tasks.

3) End each day by reviewing your task list for tomorrow. Before you leave work for the day, review your task list for the next day. This gives you the opportunity to make any preparations that may be necessary, before it’s too late!

4) Stick to your organizational system, even when you’re swamped. It’s tempting to just say “forget it!” when you’re busy, but that’s when staying organized is most important. When time is short, the last thing you can afford is to waste time searching for documents or information.

5) Get the rest you need. You’ll go crazy if you aren’t getting the rest and the relaxation you need. And those long hours you’re spending at the office may actually be working against you as your efficiency starts to decline.

6) Use your team. Finally, remember that you’re not in it alone! Put your team to work – whether that team consists of employees, vendors, or outside consultants. Clearly communicate what you expect, and give them the ability to get the job done… and then let them get busy making your life easier!

Questions or comments? Contact me today if you’d like to learn more!

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