Why did you decide to start your own business?

If you are like most small business owners, one of the primary reasons you went into business was because of the opportunities running a successful business would provide. You would be your own boss. You could set your own schedule. And you could make a whole lot more money than you could working for someone else.

But, chances are, you soon discovered that running your own business was a bit less glamorous and a bit more difficult than you anticipated. This is because you, as the business owner, are ultimately responsible for every detail of your operation. Having trouble with an employee? That’s your problem. Struggling to meet production demands on time? It’s up to you to find a solution. Sales tapering off? You had better figure out a new marketing strategy.

It all comes back to you. And as a result, you begin to spend more and more time each day “firefighting”—solving problems, averting crises, and so on. In the meantime, things become more complicated and more chaotic. Keeping the books, handling payroll, serving customers, and the list goes on.

Before you know it, you’re stressed out, working extremely long hours, not getting enough sleep… and not happy. Hardly what you expected when you decided to launch your own business!

Here’s the good news: if you find yourself in a similar situation, you aren’t alone. Thousands upon thousands of small business owners are in the same place as you.

And here is the better news: there is a way OUT of this spiral! You can get your business under control, get it running smoothly, and dramatically reduce your stress level. You can do this by creating systems. Every part of your business, from bookkeeping to marketing to production, can be systematized. And doing so will give you the ability to take a step back from the business—allowing your systems and your team to do the work, instead of doing it yourself.

Creating systems will allow you to focus on the “big picture” and work towards long-term goals for yourself and for the business. Things like:

Growing the business. When each day is chaotic, it is all you can do to keep things running. The last thing you want to think about is growth, whether that means opening up a new location, hiring more staff members, or expanding into new product lines. But when your business is systemized, you have the ability to think big and work strategically towards growth.

Living your ideal lifestyle. Are you spending as much time away from work as you would like to be? Whether that means time with your family, days spent playing golf, or long vacations… your business can be a tool which supports your lifestyle. But you can’t get there unless your business is systemized so that it can run without you!

Cashing in. Selling your business may not be on your radar screen today, but chances are you’ll want to sell at some point. A business that is systemized and able to run without your immediate attention is far more valuable to a prospective buyer.

These are just a few examples. The real question is… why did YOU start your business? And is your lifestyle what you hoped it would be? If not… systemizing your business is the solution!


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